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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to determine the epistemological beliefs among science teachers in
Perak and to determine if the epistemological beliefs is good predictors of instructional
practices. The study was also designed to determine if the teaching and learning
conception is a good predictor of instructional practices among science teachers in
Perak. Quantitative approach was used for this study. The study involved 231 Science teachers from
primary schools in Perak districts. Three types of research instruments were employed which are
Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ), Teaching and Learning Conceptions Questionnaire (TLCQ)
and Instructional Practices Questionnaire (IPQ). The validation procedure of the
epistemological beliefs instrument involved validity, reliability and construct validity test.
Data were analysed using descriptive and multiple regression analysis. The finding showed
that Science teachers possessed positive epistemological beliefs (M= 3.88, SD = 0.32). A
great number of Science teachers in Perak preferred to use constructivist teaching conception
(M= 4.40, SD = 0.36) than traditional teaching conception (M= 3.47, SD= 0.75). Teaching and
learning conception holds by Science teachers is a good predictor of the instructional practices.
Analysis of the regression indicated that standard contemporary practice (β= 0.47, p |
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