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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Mathematical communication is one of the skills that everyone needs to have to succeed in studying and working, especially in the 21st century era and the industrial revolution 4.0. Mathematical communication skills are very important for students to present arguments in presentations and discussions. These skills can be developed through problem-based learning model. However, student worksheets to support these models have not been extensively created. Therefore, this study aims to develop student worksheets to support problem-based learning models. In student worksheets, mathematical communication skills were integrated into activities. Furthermore, it uses a study and development model including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). The subjects were 50 8th-grade students and 2 mathematics teachers at a Junior High School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Here, the teacher is an expert in judging. Collection of data was conducted through observation techniques, interviews, documentation and testing. The result showed that a valid, practical, and effective student worksheets should be able to support the problem-based learning model by integrating students' mathematical communication skills. It can be used by teachers when the teaching and learning process are conducted through a problem-based model. Its substantial contribution is the integration of mathematical communication skills into worksheets. Therefore, students using the worksheets will understand the subject matter and master communication skills simultaneously. |
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