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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study was carried out to identify the level of students’ knowledge and to compare gender perception on the i-Think mind map in Merlimau district, Malacca. A survey design was employed using a five-point Likert Scale structured questionnaire. Respondents were selected using simple random sampling involving 343 forms one to form four students. Descriptive analysis was conducted to find the mean and percentage, while inferential analysis using a two-way ANOVA, t-test to make a comparison between knowledge and perception of the i-Think mind map. This study demonstrated the form four students had the highest knowledge level of 83.72 per cent (excellent) followed by form two and form one with a value of 82.46 per cent (excellent) and 79.49 per cent (good) respectively. The perceptions level among the respondents towards the i-Think mind map was moderately high and uniform (mean value of 3.01 – 4.00). Female students’ knowledge was higher (mean value of 3.66) than male (mean value of 3.54). The study also found that there was a significant difference between the level of knowledge and perception of male and female students with significant values of 0.007 and 0.001 respectively. This study concludes that the i-Think mind map is well received by students. Hence, these findings have the potential to be benchmarked on the status of i-Think mind map implementation in Malaysia, particularly in Malacca. Continuous monitoring should be carried out to view its consistency among students. This study implicates that the i-Think mind map should be used to enhance the students' content knowledge on a larger scale. |
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