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Type :article
Subject :RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
R Medicine
Main Author :Nurul Atiqah Ayni Ayob
Additional Authors :Mohd Azrul Anuar Zolkafi
Kunjung Ashadi
Vikram Mohan
Faizal Ashram Baharam
Title :Adherence level of home exercise program among orthopedic cases patients who attended physiotherapy sessions: a need analysis
Hits :233
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Kejurulatihan
Year of Publication :2022
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Full Text :You have no permission to view this item.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aims to determine patients’ adherence level to the exercises prescribed at home, understand factors that influence the laxity of adherence to the prescribed exercises, and identify the solution to improve patients’ motivation and participation. A self-reporting survey was conducted on 100 volunteers (mean age: 26.26±5.42 years old) who currently receive physiotherapy management. This questionnaire was distributed through Google Form and consisted of general information, rehabilitation habits, and motivation. The response rate of the survey is 70%. From this survey study, 96% of participants were partially and totally not adhering to the prescribed exercises at home. Most participants are unable to recall the prescribed exercises, having lack of time and forget to do exercises are among the reasons for non-adherence. The participants’ adherence to exercises at home was relatively low. The findings showed the most responses to the factors that influence the laxity of adherence to the prescribed exercises are unable to remember on how to do the prescribed exercises, having lack of time and forget to do the exercises. Besides, the findings found out two most selected solution to improve patients’ motivation and participation to the prescribed exercises at home are monitoring by physiotherapist through online platform and create a reminder with video instruction on how to perform the exercises. Therefore, a specific solution must be developed to increase patient motivation and improve the quality of treatment and care.


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