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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Growing awareness is the essential role for mental health plays in development goals on overcoming mental health problems. Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) surveys are used to define criteria, challenges, and obstacles for enhancing quality and accessibility. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of UiTM students towards mental health. There are 364 respondents among UiTM Perlis students from 7 faculties agreed to volunteer answering questionnaire by using Google Form to participate in this study. KAP survey questions adopted from (World Health Organization, 2008) was used. Descriptive analysis such as frequency and percentage were used to identify the highest answer for each section of KAP and Pearson Correlation to correlate between knowledge, attitude, and practice towards mental health. The scoring of the KAP survey by UiTM students for knowledge is 52.1% (fair), attitude is 37.4% (poor) and practice is 34.6% (poor). Based on the research findings, the result of the correlation coefficient between knowledge with attitude was a low positive correlation, (r = .452, N=364) while the correlation between knowledge with practice and attitude with practice were negligible, (r = -.068, N=364) and (r = -.035, N=364). In conclusion, we can conclude that the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice towards mental health among UiTM students were fair and poor based on the frequency of answered questionnaires. Public education about mental health awareness and having strong relationships between family and friends can help to improve better knowledge, attitude and practice. |
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