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Type :thesis
Subject :P Philology. Linguistics
Main Author :Li, Yan
Title :Transformative framework of eportfolio-based assessment approach in English as foreign language classroom practices in China
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Examination orientation and hierarchical relationships are highly dominating evaluation and assessing system in China, hence the practical implementation of assessment reform in traditionally hierarchical societies is beset with difficulties. On the other hand, ePortfolio assessment is claimed potentially transformative to affect student learning and teacher instruction. To the end, this research then aims at investigating the implementation of ePortfolio-based assessment in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context and form a framework conceptualised in specific context, in order to obtain students and lecturers’ holistic and in-depth experiences in implementing ePortfolio contextually. The qualitative case study approach to obtain lecturers’ holistic and in-depth experiences in implementing ePortfolio were utilised. Data were collected through classroom observations, document analysis and interviews of two EFL lecturers. Fourteen lessons of the English course involving two lecturers and one-hundred eighty-nine first year undergraduates were observed and analysed inductively for dominant issues and categories. In addition, based on the learning theories, assessment strategies and procedures, findings of this study presented EFL assessment characteristics and preliminary procedures of enacting ePortfolios, twelve indicators to implementing ePortfolio-based assessment and reconceptualised ePortfolio-based assessment and finally procedural implementing ePortfolio-based assessment: a Transformative and contextualised framework in EFL settings. It is significant that deeper understanding of how to implement ePortfolio assessment serves learning and teaching quality in breadth and depth dimension, useful to policy-makers, educators and even assessment developers, in supporting teaching and assessment for learning. It is implicated that step-by-step procedures provided new insights for lecturers to successfully conduct ePortfolio assessment for teaching and learning in the EFL context. This enhanced lecturers’ general understanding of the ePortfolio as alternative assessment and the technique of formative assessment integrated in an English learning course. Content of electronic portfolios and a well-structured ePortfolio should be adopted as learning evidence to tailor assessment for learning; contextualised and student-centred implementing procedures.


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