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Type :article
Subject :ML Literature of music
M Music
Main Author :Laksmi,Desak Made Suarti
Additional Authors :Sudirana,Wayan
Title :Kidung integral and structured parts in the implementation of balinese hindu religious ceremonies
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Hindu religious ceremonies continue to be performed in Bali throughout the ages. A ceremony cannot be completed perfectly without the presence of the Kidung (hymn/sacred song), an integral component that cannot be separated. The implementation of the Yadnya ceremony is connected to the ceremony’s purpose. Panca Yadnya refers to these five types of ceremonies, divided by domain into Dewa Yadnya (ceremonies for Gods), Bhuta Yadnya (ceremonies for Bhutakala/demon), Rsi Yadnya (ceremonies for Mahaguru, Rsi, or parents/teachers), Pitra Yadnya (ceremonies for the deceased), and Manusa Yadnya (ceremonies for human’s life). The selection of the type of Kidung (hymn) adapts to the five domains of the relevant Yadnya, considering the various types of Kidung with text selection for context. Several supporting factors refer to the concept of tatwa, morals, and procedures both philosophically, technically, and contextually. The Kidung is sung with full regard for propriety, which is believed to strengthen the spiritual ascent in achieving sidakarya and sidapurnanya (perfectly done) by performing the Yadnya ceremony as an expression of offerings. Keywords: Kidung, Hindu temple performances in Bali, sacred music, Yadnya


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