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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research examines the transition from Scratch to Java programming, highlighting high achievement among participants. The study includes 70 students and utilizes mixed methods, combining quantitative analysis and qualitative narratives. Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of Scratch Visual Teaching Aids (VTA) in developing educational games, understanding algorithm concepts, and improving programming projects. Students' attitudes towards Scratch VTA show increased interest, concentration, and enjoyment in learning. Quantitative analysis indicates positive tool capabilities (mean scores ranging from 3.25 to 3.46). Qualitative narratives reveal varying perceptions of the transition, with prior programming knowledge influencing the shift. Challenges include adapting to the learning session and mastering Java's syntax and concepts. This study enhances programming education practices, providing recommendations for educators during the Scratch-to-Java transition.
Keywords: programming education, algorithm, Scratch, Java, visual teaching aid |
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