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Type :article
Subject :H Social Sciences
ISSN :1675-8544
Main Author :Norsuhana Emilinadiah Husin
Additional Authors :Azizah Othman
Fahisham Taib
Md. Azman Shahadan
Title :KIDCOPE-Child in Bahasa Malaysia: A Study on Psychometric Properties among the Paediatric Population
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2023
Notes :Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Corporate Name :Universiti Sains Malaysia
HTTP Link :Click to view web link

Abstract : Universiti Sains Malaysia
Introduction: Knowledge of children’s coping is crucial to prevent psychological distress during hospitalisation. The absence of a child-report coping scale for Malaysian children poses a challenge to an objective understanding of coping. The study aimed to translate KIDCOPE-child, a child-report coping scale into Bahasa Malaysia (KIDCOPE-Malay) and report its factor structure and reliability. Materials and Method: KIDCOPE-child was translated and back-translated, and tested on ten children before a final version was produced. Children aged 7 to 12 years, who were hospitalised at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia were conveniently sampled and invited to fill up the 15-item scale asking about their coping strategies. Results: One hundred children with a mean age of 9.83 (SD=1.58) were recruited, the majority being boys (59%), Malay (98%), and receiving treatment at paediatric surgery ward (59%) for various medical conditions. The mean of days spent in the hospital was 7.60 (SD = 23.04). Latent Variable Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed two-factor solutions: Positive Coping and Disengagement Coping. Internal reliability of the factor structure was low; KR20 alpha value of 0.59 for Positive Coping and 0.21 for Disengagement Coping, with an overall alpha value of 0.48. The two-factor structure of KIDCOPE-Malay suggested unsatisfactory internal reliability. Conclusion: The KIDCOPE-Malay’s role to assess different coping styles in paediatric population is uncertain. The finding calls for additional studies employing a more representative sampling or development of a coping measure with more culturally relevant items that can better capture the coping strategies among the school-age population in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (2024) 20(SUPP3): 6-13. doi:10.47836/mjmhs20.s3.2


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