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Type :article
Subject :LB2300 Higher Education
QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Main Author :Lai,Yong Fei
Additional Authors :Syazwan Saidin
Title :Development and usability of ‘Skeletopedia’ Mobile Application for human skeletal system
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aimed to develop an android-based mobile learning application, Skeletopedia based on the cognitive constructivism and cognitive theory of multimedia learning and evaluated its usability as an educational tool for Form Five Biology students. The Skeletopedia was developed according to ADDIE model. It was designed to aid the Form 5 students in understanding and remembering the Latin terminology of human skeletal system as well as allowing them to visualise the human skeleton through three-dimensional augmented reality skeletal models. Two biology teachers were appointed to assess the face and content validity of the questionnaire and Skeletopedia, while 97 Form Five Biology students from Mara Junior Science College (MJSC) FELDA Trolak were selected as respondents for the field study. The usability questionnaire developed in this study had obtained high validity (κ = 1.00, CVI = 1.00) and reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient = 0.970). The ‘Skeletopedia’ application had acquired high validity in terms of face validity (κ = 1.00) and content validity (CVI = 1.00). The findings show that perception of students on the design of the Skeletopedia have a mean score of 3.637 (SD = 0.443), the mean score for the content is 3.598 (SD = 0.444), the efficiency (mean = 3.650, SD = 0.434), and usefulness (mean = 3.652, SD = 0.430). In conclusion, Skeletopedia has a high content validity and reliability value. Students' perception of the Skeletopedia also has a high mean value. The findings of this study implied that the Skeletopedia is appropriate and effective to be used as a self-learning tool ubiquitously in enhancing students’ understanding of human skeletal system without time and space constraints due to its portability and flexibility. Keywords: Human Skeletal System, Mobile Learning, Usability Evaluation


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