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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The impact of spatial heterogeneity on industrial outputs is a new important topic in economic geography. A considerable amount of research literature has accumulated, but the academic community lacks a systematic and comprehensive review and consensus on this topic. This study carried out research by mining the relevant classical literature. This investigation first combed the connotation of spatial heterogeneity, which is both corresponding to and related to spatial dependence. Theorists generally acknowledge that there is spatial heterogeneity in the process of industrial outputs. Then this study summarizes the logical basis, relationship coordination, measurement and other aspects of the effect of spatial heterogeneity on industrial outputs. In analyzing the impact of spatial heterogeneity on industrial outputs, we should not ignore the spatial dimension, but must also pay attention to the heterogeneity of individual enterprises. Industrial output analysis needs to be based on the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence. The influence of spatial heterogeneity on industrial outputs and the degree of differences among observation objects can be measured by econometric methods. The common indicators for measuring and quantitatively describing the impact of spatial heterogeneity on industrial outputs mainly include semivariogram, the spatial expansion model and the geographical weighted regression model. Finally, some directions of future research are pointed out in order to provide useful ideas for future theoretical research and industrial practice. 2023, Editorial office of Journal of Resources and Ecology. All rights reserved. |
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