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Type :article
Subject :K Law (General)
ISSN :1411-3457
Main Author :Zanariah Noor
Additional Authors :Nazirah Lee
Title :Preserving childs faith in Malaysian law: a maqasidic approach
Hits :120
Place of Production :Tanjung Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan
Year of Publication :2023
Notes :Ulumuna
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Preserving faith is the most significant goal for Muslims. However, fulfilling these objectives in the best possible way according to the principle of maq?id al-shar?'ah(the objective of Islamic law) within the framework of the dual system of Malaysian law is challenging. Preserving faith within maq?id al-shar?'ah discussion provides enormous opportunities for Muslims to nurture and protect their Islamic faith while regulating the laws that prohibit any harmful elements that could jeopardize it. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia guarantees everyone's freedom of religion. However, freedom of religion provided under Malaysian law has restrictions due to the uniqueness of Malaysian history. This article critically discusses the maqasidic-approach adopted to preserve Muslim child's faith. This article examines the government's effort to maintain Muslim child's faith concerning the laws and policies of education and Malaysian law on issues linked to the conversion of Muslims to other faiths and vice versa. The court decision on child's religion cases indicates a distinct feature of Muslim and non-Muslims' right to freedom of religion under Malaysian law. There are prospects for utilizing the maq?id al-shar?'ah framework effectively to promote the preservation of a child's faith in the context of Malaysian law. 2023, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram. All rights reserved.


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