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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The technology acceptance model (TAM) is an information systems model that models how consumers use and accept technology. Scholars have implemented TAM widely to examine the effectiveness and ease of use of online learning. Therefore, this analysis comprehensively analyses TAMs role in accepting online learning platforms by conducting bibliometric and content analysis based on the PRISMA framework. Insights into technology acceptance models were determined by bibliometrics analysis with VosViewer and content analysis. Methods: This study expanded all research from 2002 to 2020. A sum of 120 publications was analysed in January 2022 as documented in the Scopus database after applying the including and excluding criteria in addition to the manual evaluation. Results: This reviews findings identified the most compelling subjects covered by the journal. Most prolific countries, educational institutions, Journals, and authors were identified. Additionally, the results demonstrate several significant models for technology acceptance; several online learning environments were outlined (MOOC, Moodle, E-learning, flipped learning, and blended learning). Conclusion: The research presents a roadmap for potential researchers, concentrating on critical areas where success is possible. However, more research is required to utilize the TAM model and incorporate different online learning environments. 2023 by the authors. |
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