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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to investigate the interference of L1 in the writing of L2 tenses with
specific reference to the interference of Bahasa Melayu (L1) in English (L2).
Furthermore, this study is also influenced either positively or negatively, by the first
language. This study also seeks to identify ways to minimize the influence of L1
(Bahasa Melayu) into L2 (English) tenses writing. This is a qualitative case study. The
data collection instruments were document analysis and interview. The data was
analysed using content analysis. Total of 69 essays with the title my family, my holidays
and If I were a millionaire respectively were analysed from 23 students in terms of
grammatical errors especially in the usage of simple present tense, simple past tense,
and simple future tense. From the findings, it was found that first language highly
interferes in students’ writing in simple present tense, and simple past tense. It is found
that students committed more than two errors which were 82.7% in using present simple
tense, 69.6% for simple past tense, and 30.3% for simple future tense. In fact, the
teachers who were interviewed suggested that the government should revert to the
previous curriculum, which focused on grammar drills and using grammar translation
method. In addition, there are a few methods recommended by the students were
cognitive in nature in improving their tenses using reading, writing and listening skills.
For instance, reading novels and listening to songs. The study has come to conclude
that there is a considerable influence of first language in the writing of English language
among the students. The implication of this study suggested that teachers can
implement new ways to improve students’ writing skills in term of correct usage of
grammar. However, additional research should be conducted on other skills especially
speaking skills. |
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