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Type :article
Subject :QC Physics
Q Science
Main Author :Mazlina Mat Darus
Additional Authors :Hazimah Ashamuddin
Nurul Syafiqah Yap Abdullah
Title :The development of an interactive learning module for Physics subject in Post-Secondary institution a need analysis
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
New approach in teaching and learning (T&L) is essential to sustain the evolvement of knowledge towards a borderless frame. One way to achieve this is by utilizing technology, particularly in T&L with the aim to scaffold the process of knowledge transfer efficiently. In order to adapt to the changes, educators must keep their pace synchronized with the latest innovation in teaching tools, which is common in the field of e-learning. The lack of T & L tools, particularly in learning Physics subjects and the challenges in mastering the concepts are the motivation for a need analysis to be carried out for post-secondary students. This study is crucial to elucidate the actual needs among educators as well as students and to address the choice of topics and preferable methods. The respondent of this study consists of 38 Physics lecturers from eight matriculation colleges under the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, selected through random sampling. A survey form was developed and validated by four experts and data were collected by distributing the survey form randomly. Data were analysed based on the descriptive analysis method. There were four important outcomes regarding the common needs among the educators (1) A swift effort is required to develop an interactive module for T&L using a smartphone; (2) Electromagnetism is the most challenging topic among students; (3) The root cause of the problem arises is due to the inability to visualize the physics concepts; and (4) Simulation, videos, smart apps, and exercises are the aspects that need to be considered in developing the interactive module. Based on these findings, the development of an interactive module for the Electromagnetism topic using smartphone is inevitable with the aim to facilitate the T&L process and enhance students’ understandings. Keywords: need analysis, interactive module, smartphone, electromagnetism


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