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Type :article
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
ISSN :2232-1926
Main Author :- Chittinan Pongsuwan, Boddy Julie, Woods Martin, Balthip Quantar,
Title :Thai hierarchical culture influences undergraduate nursing students’ learning
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2016

Abstract :
Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 9-21, 2016 - Low passing rates in the Thai licence test of graduating nurses from a nursing college programme raised a critical question as to why the students could not integrate theoretical knowledge into clinical nursing care. There are many studies about learning environments and strategies to improve the student nurses’ competence. However, which conditions and learning strategies should be used, and when they should be applied in the process of learning had not been fully investigated, and especially so within the Thai system. This study uses a Straussian grounded theory approach to explore the perspectives of 32 undergraduate nursing students on their learning in the clinical context. The findings relating to learning within the hierarchical culture of Thai nursing showed that inattentive supervision plays a crucial role in creating an inappropriate clinical learning environment for nursing students leading to a loss of learning opportunities and lack of motivation to learn. As the critical thinking skills of nursing students can be better developed when they have self-confidence and motivation to learn, supervisors should educate them through relationships that show acceptance of the students as individuals and learners and provide them with enough help and support.


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