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Type :article
Subject :PE English
Main Author : Muhammad Hilmi Che Ahamad
Additional Authors :Noraini Zulkepli
Tan, Hooi Syn
Title :English Language learners’ readiness towards mobile assisted language learning
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Abstract: Learning a second language (i.e. English) with the use of mobile technology has been widely accepted around the world. While there are numbers of research focusing on its effectiveness, students’ readiness in accepting the learning approach is yet to be studied. This research aims to investigate the level of readiness among students towards learning the English language via mobile. An adapted version of Parasuraman’s Technology Readiness Index (TRI) questionnaires was employed as the research instrument. A total of 180 respondents from a public university in Malaysia was involved in the study. The research found that the students projected a moderate level of readiness. This is as they are highly optimistic and innovative towards mobile learning but also have a high level of discomfort and insecurities towards it. It is suggested for further research to be carried out to identify the factors influencing students’ readiness and widen the sample by including other tertiary institutions. Keywords: English language, mobile language learning, Technology Readiness Index, students’ readiness, tertiary institutions


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