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Type :article
Subject :HD61 Risk Management
Main Author :Asma Zulaikha Hishamuddina
Additional Authors :Hariyaty Ab Wahidb
Rafiduraida Abd Rahman
Title :Social entrepreneurship approach towards leveraging persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Malaysia
Hits :193
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Full Text :You have no permission to view this item.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Social entrepreneurship is an innovative approach to solving community problems. This social entrepreneurship approach is expected to be able to offer an alternative to providing sustainable employment opportunities to the disabled in Malaysia through the active involvement of SME traders in the social entrepreneurship movement. Traders are economic activists who have great potential to help improve the well-being of the disabled minority group who are facing employability problems considering that 19.3 percent of traders intend to hire more workers in the second quarter of 2022. Accordingly, the disabled group consisting of those with long-term physical deficiencies, mental, intellectual, or sensory needs to be considered to meet those needs. This conceptual paper aims to shed light on the types of social entrepreneurship approaches and how small and medium enterprise (SME) traders can help the disabled from the aspect of education and employability which in turn can improve their standard of living. Therefore, seven types of social entrepreneurship approach are discussed; nonprofit social entrepreneurship, for-profit social entrepreneurship, cooperative social entrepreneurship, social intrapreneurship, grassroots social entrepreneurship, corporate social entrepreneurship and social innovation incubators/accelerators. SME traders can help the disabled increase their employment opportunities by implementing inclusive hiring practices, providing reasonable accommodations, providing skill development training, offering mentoring and internship program, promoting accessibility in education, encouraging advocacy and awareness and practicing supplier diversity. The discussions and suggestions presented are expected to open a new lens to the social entrepreneurship movement among traders in this country. Keywords:Social Entrepreneurship, Traders, Person with Disabilities (PWD)


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