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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to develop EX-MysteryChem teaching module and to investigate the
educators’ perception on the suitability of the EX-MysteryChem teaching module for
teaching and learning for the learning area of Polymer Chemistry. This study is a
developmental research design (DRD) with qualitative approach. The ADDIE model is
used as the instructional design model in developing the EX-MysteryChem teaching
module. The instruments used in this study are content validity evaluation form and
interview protocol. Two Chemistry lecturers have been appointed to validate the content
validity of EX-MysteryChem teaching module and two secondary chemistry teachers
have been selected as respondents for this study. The data for the content validity was
analyzed using Average Congruent Percentage (ACP), while the interview protocol was
analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. The result show that the overall content
validity is 96.2% value of the teaching module, the findings from the thematic analysis
for the both semi-structured interviews were considered as suitable for teaching the
learning area of polymer chemistry, but it will require some modification in order to
successfully implemented into the teaching and learning session for form 5 chemistry
lessons. In conclusion, this study successfully developed a problem-based learning
module with high content validity. This study implicates the development of EXMysteryChem
teaching module is capable to provide chemistry teachers a clear
overview for problem-based learning teaching approach thus bridges the gap between
theoretical learning and practical application about chemistry and increase the green
chemistry awareness among students. |
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