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Type :final_year_project
Subject :QC Physics
Main Author :Bernet Parantis@Francis
Title :Development of Project-Based Learning E-Module by utilizing the Arduino for the topic of impulse and its usability
Hits :186
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2024
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aims to develop a Project-Based Learning E-Module by utilizing the Arduino for the topic of impulse and examine its validity and usability among trainee physics teachers. ADDIE model was followed in the development of the PjBL e-module where the problem was analysed, the e-module was designed, and then developed using Canva. Constructivism learning theory, Inquiry-Based learning, Experiential Learning Theory and Cognitive Load Theory was implemented into the e-module to make the e-module meet the learning style of 21st-century learning. After that, the e-module then goes to implementation phase before finally getting its usability evaluated. The PjBL e-module has been read and evaluated by 56 Semester 7 physics students selected via convenience sampling. The mean value of the usability obtained is 3.67, which proves that the e-module has achieved a high usability level among trainee physics teachers. The PjBL e-module surely will help trainee physics teachers to teach the topic of impulse for Form 4 Physics since the e-module is useful for them, easy to use and satisfy their need for teaching the topic.


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