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Type :thesis
Subject :HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
Main Author :Nurul Firdauz Abd Rahman
Title :Gender attitudes toward the physical module of program latihan khidmat negara (PLKN) : A study of PLKN\S trainees at Jugra camp , Banting
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan
Year of Publication :2012
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Understanding the application of the concept of equity is very crucial especially in educational  course. In the case of physical education, equal opportunity in the sense of offering each student  equal access to the programmes while ignoring individual differences is not an alternative in  achieving gender equity. What is more appropriate is equality of outcome, which recognises that  each student gets what is necessary to be educated. This study seeks to understand the module of  PLKN's physical activity with respect to trainees' perceptions toward the concept of equity in  physical activity. The purpose of the study is to find out whether the physical module of PLKN is  seen as equitable by both genders. A stratified sampling has been applied whereby 160 PLKN trainees  at Jugra Camp Banting were given a questionnaire. The study employed an adapted  version  of  Life   Effectiveness  Questionnaires  which  comprises  seven dimensions (Neill et al., 2003).  A total of  159 trainees responded, comprising a 99.4% return-rate. Quantitative analysis of the data was done  using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The quantitative findings of the study on  the seven dimensions of Life Effectiveness Questionnaire show that no statistically significant  difference exists between male and female trainees in the physical module with the exception on  self-confidence and course values.  
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