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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
The misconceptions on genetics topics among teachers and students were common,
resulting in declining interest among the young generation in the STEM field. The study
research questions consist of four which are to measure the face and content validity of
“Genetic Holic”, a digital game application on genetics topics, as well as the perception
level of UPSI Biology undergraduate students regarding the engagement and
motivation level on it. The product development was based on the ADDIE model. The
S-CVI/UA for the product is 0.93 and the instrument is 1.00 while the percent of the
agreement for the product is 96.15% and the instrument is 100%, where all the values
can be interpreted at a very good level. The perception level of 165 UPSI Biology
Education undergraduate students ranging from semester 3 to 7 toward the learning
experience on “Genetic Holic” in the engagement and motivation aspects was evaluated
in the 4-point Likert scale with stratified sampling method as the indicators for the
usability of “Genetic Holic”. The pilot test with Cronbach’s alpha score yields a high
reliability with a value of 0.842. The field test was conducted with descriptive
quantitative analysis with the mean and standard deviation, yielded a result with a mean
and standard deviation of 3.28 and 0.54 for the engagement aspect, 3.28 and 0.55 for
the motivation aspect, representing a high-level perception among respondents. In
conclusion, the great level of face and content validity for “Genetic Holic”, furthermore
the high perception of engagement and motivation. This implies that, it can be used as
an effective learning tool, that helps to improve the understanding and leverage the
interest of students in genetics learning |
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