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Abstract : |
Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 24-43, 2016 - The implementation of the 1 Student 1 Sport Policy (D1M1S) focuses on the involvement of students who are less active in sports activities in order to polish and further developed their talent potential. It is believed that the responsibility and the role of teachers are vital in ensuring the implementation of D1M1S conducted at the school level. However, the use of teachers as executors in ensuring that this policy is carried out must be studied and identified to achieve the goal of D1M1S besides improving the quality of work to a higher level. This study was conducted to identify the implementation level of D1M1S among teachers in secondary schools in Kluang, Johor, implementation of D1M1S based on gender differences and category of school and existing relationships such as elements of skill, understanding, commitment and sports facilities. The key success of D1M1S implementation is closely related to the teachers as executors. This study was carried out on 389 secondary school teachers in Kluang, Johor. Questionnaire containing 36 items was developed and administered to measure the elements of skill, commitment, understanding and sport facilities. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient value of the instrument was 0.95. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and frequency) and inferential analysis (independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation). The findings showed high level of understanding towards D1M1S while the elements of skill, commitment and sports facilities were at a moderate level. In addition, there were significant difference in terms of mean scores reported for the implementation of D1M1S based on the genders of the teachers with the skills element (p = 0.00 |
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