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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
For children who need extra academic support in their study, particularly at the primary
and secondary education levels, tutoring services are crucial. Students frequently have
trouble selecting tutors who are suited for them and who fit their tastes. The current web
applications simply offer a form to search for tutors, so they currently lack responsive
components. The same is true of tuition, which required students to travel from one site
to another in search of a tuition centre. The purpose of this study is to address the
inherent problem of matching students and teachers with appropriate tutors, particularly
for Additional Mathematic topics. Since concept mistakes and transformation errors in
Additional Mathematics and Modern Mathematics, respectively, were significantly
different across performance levels, it may be inferred from the findings of SF Fuzi,
WH Hassan, SN Zainudin, and SR Jama, 2020. Conceptual and transformational errors
were more pronounced among students who were performing poorly. But there were
nearly equal amounts of reading comprehension, number operation, and factoring errors
between the Additional Mathematics and Modern Mathematics performance levels. The
Tutor4Math Mobile app method is recommended for secondary school students,
particularly SPM aspirants. In order to build and develop the system, this study
simplifies and adapts the System Development Life Cycle approach into a Spiral model.
Planning, design, implementation, testing, and deployment are the steps. To achieve the
goal of this study and properly deliver the suggested solution, each phase entails certain
tasks. |
References |
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