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Type :article
Subject :LB2300 Higher Education
Main Author :Mushay A. Ogundipea
Additional Authors :Kehinde K. Aniseb
Owolabi P. Adelanac
Adetoun M. Adenijid
Title :Management information system and University administration: the case of government-owned Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun

Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
The need for efficient and effective university administration, especially concerning university data and information management, cannot be overemphasized. As the world advances in the 21st century, the need to further use advanced management information system (MIS) tools in university administration also arises. Therefore, there is a need to find out if Ogun State Government-owned universities have and use MIS in their day-to-day running since data and information are significant parts of achieving university objectives. Because of this, using a descriptive survey of the non-experimental design, this study investigates MIS and university administration in Ogun State, Nigeria, with a special focus on Government-owned Universities. The sample comprised 128 staff of two State universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. An instrument titled "Management Information System and Information Administration in Universities Questionnaire (MISIAUQ)" (r = 0.75) was used to collect data, while analysis was done using simple percentages, mean rating, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression at a .05 level of significance. Findings showed that the sampled institutions have some MIS tools, and are used for storing and retrieving information needed by ex-students (x = 3.30; SD = .856), among other uses. Also, the finding showed that the use of MIS in the institutions improves staff's ability to work with large data, thereby leading to the continuous growth of the University. However, funding remains a major issue in the use of MIS tools. Among others, we suggested that modern MIS technologies be embraced by universities to ensure confirmation of modern global best practices in the management of data in higher institutions. Keywords: Management Information System (MIS), university administration, Government-owned universities, Information Management, Management Information System Tools


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