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Type :thesis
Subject :P Philology. Linguistics
Main Author :Almomani, Mohammad Hamzeh Mohammad
Title :A comparative analysis on the framing of political news on Prince Hamzeh accusations in Al Ghad and Al Rai online newspapers
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
Jordan is a small and developing country that lacks good proper journalism. In addition, media bias is considered good journalism due to its wide use and because of governmental interference through laws and policies. This research aims to identify the framing of politics in Jordanian media through a comparative content analysis on the Al Ghad and Al Rai newspaper's online coverage. Furthermore, this research identifies the volume of coverage regarding the Prince Hamzeh accusations to comprehend the level of importance different media outlets show towards certain types of news stories. The slant of news partiality in the news article’s regarding the Prince Hamzeh accusations is evaluated from April 2021 to June 2022. This study is conducted through content analyses included qualitative and quantitative method. The human interest, morality, conflict, responsibility and consequence frames are used to identify the framing of politics and to be specific, the coverage of the Prince Hamzeh issue in Jordanian online news. The findings of this study display a stronger emphasis on the coverage of the Prince Hamzeh issue by the official newspaper Al Rai, with 118 news publications. Al Ghad also displayed a form of importance to the Prince Hamzeh issue with 44 news publications. High implementation of the five types of news frames selected is found in the news headlines and body text of the news articles in Al Ghad and Al Rai. In addition, the language used in the selected news articles carried a dominant volume of slant.


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