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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
The objective of this study is to develop a framework by examining the relationship
between financial literacy, digital skills and personality traits with Accounting
undergraduates’ entrepreneurship spirit, including the role of personal financial
management as a mediator. A quantitative research design was used to answer eight
research questions and six hypotheses. A questionnaire was adapted from multiple
scholars to measure financial literacy, digital skills, personality traits, personal
financial management and entrepreneurship spirit. Two hundred and forty-eight
Accounting undergraduates were selected as a sample through simple random
sampling. Descriptive analysis using SPSS revealed that Accounting undergraduates
have a high level of financial literacy, digital skills and personal financial
management, with average level of entrepreneurship spirit. Results of path analysis on
SmartPLS revealed that the relationship between personality traits and
entrepreneurship spirit was the most significant with a correlation coefficient of
0.439, and conscientiousness being the most significant trait. Further, the results also
demonstrated significant relations between personal financial management with both
financial literacy and entrepreneurship spirit, with correlation coefficients value of
0.629 and 0.159 respectively. Mediation effects of personal financial management
was also not proven. The findings of this study have theoretical implications on the
antecedents of behavioural intention in the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Further, the
study also contributes to the body of knowledge on the roles of entrepreneurial
personality traits on entrepreneurial spirit. The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
and higher-educational institutions are advised to shape entrepreneurial personalities
through observation-based learning and frequent practical sessions with inspiring
entrepreneurs in the industry, including creating entrepreneurial hands-on experience
for undergraduates. |
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