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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
This study investigated the factors influencing Malaysian Generation Y smartphone
users' intention to switch smartphone brands. Generation Y was selected as the study's
targeted respondent because they made up of the majority of smartphone users in
Malaysia. The push-pull-mooring model was used to examine the factors influencing
brand switching intentions in this study. Price and dissatisfaction were the push factors,
variety seeking and social influence were the mooring factors, and attractiveness of
alternatives was the pull factor. The data were collected through self-administered
questionnaire in Kuala Lumpur. Judgmental sampling was employed whereby samples
were purposefully selected based on study criteria and researcher’s judgement. Using
covariance based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM), the data was analyzed with
IBM SPSS Statistic 24 and AMOS 22 through the data collected from 399 respondents.
The results showed that push factors of price (β=0.037, p |
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