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Type :article
Subject :PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
Main Author :Muhyiddin, Luthfi
Additional Authors :Mabruroh, Hani’atul
Wardiya Ningsih, May Lita
Title :A Phrase about the negation tool “لا” in the Book Washoyā al-ābā’ lil Abnā’ (Case Study in Arabic Language)
Hits :62
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
PDF Full Text :You have no permission to view this item.

Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
Arabic is the most beautiful language, the most imaginative and the most singular. It has advantages, including many branches of knowledge about it, including the science of grammar, the science of grammar, the science of morphology, and others. The letters that you study in grammar are diverse, such as the letters of negation, the letters of answer, the letters of default, the letters of the condition, and others. In this study, the researcher took the negating letter "la" using the blog, and the blog is a group of words from the numerical text. In analyzing the data, the researcher took the book Parents' Commandments for Children, which is a book that contains advice on parenting brothers. The aim of this research is to reveal the meaning of the site and the meanings of the negation tool "no" in the book Parents' Commandments to Sons with accompanying word. The results of the negative “la” analysis were presented in the book of Wills using Enjin Lakaran. There are 111 “no negating” letters. After analyzing the negative la, there are 6 verbs before the negating la, with the highest verb taking place “dispute it, nor” and it has 3 repetitions, and “don’t betray it, nor” repetition, and 3 verbs after the negating la, with the highest verb being “10”. There are 30 nouns before the letter, not the negation, with the highest noun being “Allah no” and it has 11 recurrences, and its position in the nouns is before, and the word “do not betray anyone” and it has 11 repetitions, and its position in the nouns is after., with the highest letter “in it no” an accompanying number The letter before and after the letter "la" 28 characters. And the higher letters are “with it no”, and it has 11 repetitions. Keywords: no banishment, book of commandments, written study


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