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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
This research was conducted to study Chinese language curricula for secondary
education from Malaysia and China. The curricula included were DSKP Chinese for
Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students in Malaysia, and Standard Chinese Language
Curriculum of Compulsory Education (SCLCCE) that devoted for students range from
Year 7 to Year 9 in China. The main objective of this research to identify and analyze
the similarities and differences between the curricula in order to provide more insights
for both parties to learn from each other. The study was conducted by using the
inferential content analysis by analyzing both of the curricula with 11 components as
suggested by UNESCO International Bureau of Education. The components suggested
are (i) Introduction, (ii) Curriculum Vision, (iii) Aims and Objectives, (iv) Values and
Principles, (v) Philosophy of Teaching and Learning, (vi) Curriculum Architecture,
(vii) The Importance of Competency, (viii) Areas of Learning, (ix) Teaching
Methodology and Strategies, (x) Assessment. The contents from both of the curricula
had been translated into English, and then reorganize in all 11 components as mentioned
above. Based on the comparison, the researcher had analyzed the qualities of both
curricula based on the descriptors that provided by Stabback based on the Tyler’s
Model. The results showed that DSKP appeared to possess the good qualities of
curriculum in terms of “Values each child and holds that every child matters equally”,
“Comprises high quality, relevant and appropriate ‘content’ and contributes to the
development of competence” and “Well organized and structured”. Besides, both
curricula also possess a good quality of “Underpinned by a set of assumptions about
how children learn”. The future research is suggested to expand the education level up
until the upper secondary level, in order to study both the curricula from a boarder and
profound perspective. |
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