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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
The objective of this study is to determine the effect of project management process
and technological orientation on infrastructure performance of the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) Road and Transport Authority based on the Resource-Based View.
Quantitative research was conducted to answer four research questions and four
hypotheses. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data about project
management process, technological orientation and infrastructure performance among
361 employees of UAE Road and Transport Authority. The sample was selected using
convenience sampling. The data which was analysed using the structural equation
modelling indicated a significant direct effect of project management process on
technological orientation (β = 0.313, t = 6.686, p ≤ .05), a significant direct effect of
project management process on infrastructure performance (β = 0.331, t = 6.431, p ≤
.05) and a significant direct effect of technological orientation on infrastructure
performance (β = 0.411, t = 7.346, p ≤ .05). This study also found a significant partial
mediating effect of technological orientation on the relationship between project
management process and infrastructure performance. In conclusion, project
management process and technological orientation could improve infrastructure
performance of UAE Road and Transport Authority. The implication of this study
suggested that firms could improve infrastructure performance by implementing a
systematic project management process that incorporates technological tools. |
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