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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
This study was conducted to investigate the challenges face by Ningxia students
studying abroad in Malaysia. It was aim at to reveal the four-stage impacts of their
learning experiences and in specific to reveal the adaptation process of the Ningxia
students who were studying in Malaysia. The four stage impact are academic
adaptations, life adaptations, social adaptations and comprehensive adaptations. The
study employed a qualitative paradigm, the 10 participates were chosen by snowballing
sampling, an open interview outline was used. The researcher informally observed the
students during the interviews. A set of semi-structured questions was used during the
interviews. Interviews were transcribed. Coding and constant comparison were adopted
during data analysis. The findings show the sub-themes of challenges were the fear and
uncertainty; the ability of adaptations; academic challenges; cultural shock. The fourstage
impacts revealed clearly the cultural shock, the continuous adjustments the
Ningxia students had to go thru during their study in Malaysia. However, the responses
of them towards the shocks and adjustments brought them to form new perspectives
and eventually adopted a new attitude to function more effectively in the world. The
findings also showed that the students went through four processes during their
adaptations while studying and learning in a local institution. As a result of the
adaptations processes, the students gradually adopted a change in them by becoming
more flexible, become more open and become less defensive. These elements of
processes allowed them to adopt a new attitude in life and lead them to success in their
study in a different culture setting as compared to the home country. |
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