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Type :thesis
Subject :HJ Public Finance
Main Author :Al-Mesafri, Amal Hamad
Title :The moderating role of artificial intelligence adoption on talents development practices and career resilience in the UAE public sector
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2024
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
This study was examining the moderating impact of artificial intelligence adoption on the relationships between conventions and employees' career resilience in the UAE public sector. The study used quantitative methods by the study population includes employees from the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) in the UAE, including operational managers, supervisors, operational managers, and departmental managers. The employees are 3750, and the target sample size is 346, while the questionnaires were distributed among 400 individuals to meet the maximum sample size and response rate, the study followed the technique of by identify the normality of data; is to identify the outliers and is to find the missing value, to data analysis. The research outcomes indicated that recruitment and selection processes notably impact career resilience. The Human Resource Department (HRD) demonstrates strong competence in selecting employees based on competency levels and effective job analysis. The selection methods are efficient, and the HRD's communication and coordination with other parties are commendable. The HRD's clear job vacancy definitions, emphasis on relationships, and comprehensive information provision contribute to career resilience. Respondents agree that recruitment and selection significantly influence career resilience in the FAHR, UAE. On boarding also plays a crucial role in career resilience, with the HRD employing a formal strategy and supporting supervisors. Performance management is handled constructively, offering regular feedback and training opportunities. Clear work standards are established, although personal development plans are generic. The HRD provides a transparent career path, effectively aligning individual and organizational needs. Career development proves vital for career resilience, consistent with prior findings. The HRD's human resource management system captures valuable data, and its reporting system offers both broad overviews and specific employee insights. System analysis translates complex data for performance assessment. Real-time monitoring through dashboards and measurement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are facilitated by the HRD's advanced tools. AI-driven capabilities, like data mining and predictive modelling, contribute to insightful decision-making. The study suggests combining talent development practices with AI could enhance career resilience in the UAE's public sector. This research concluded that artificial intelligence adoption can help improve the efficiency and productivity of activities and create quicker business choices utilizing technology. 


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