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Type :article
Subject :ML Literature of music
Main Author :Sun, Kai Ti
Additional Authors :Wong, Kwan Yie
Title :The impact of popular music on primary music education: a comparative study of chinese and Malaysian teachers’ perspectives
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan
Year of Publication :2024
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun

Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
Malaysia has one of the most comprehensive Chinese language education systems outside China. Both Malaysia and China place great importance on music education to cultivate national pride and identity among students. However, students' preference for popular music often leads to decreased interest in conventional music education in the classroom. Moreover, some argue that the lyrics of popular songs can negatively influence students' values. This study explores and compares the views of music teachers in Zhengzhou, China, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, regarding the impact of popular music on student learning in school and their strategies for addressing potential challenges it presents in the classroom. While the 12 teachers interviewed agreed on the potential of popular music to engage students, they also acknowledged its drawbacks. Differences in their viewpoints are attributed to factors such as experience, school support, curriculum goals, individual backgrounds, and teaching abilities. Based on the findings, the study presents several recommendations to improve student learning outcomes while also addressing problems associated with the influence of popular music. These include comprehensive teacher training programmes, increased instructional time, greater social recognition of music education, and the continuous development of innovative teaching methods. Keywords: China and Malaysia, music education, pedagogical approaches, popular music, teachers’ perspectives


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