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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
This thesis conducts an ethnographic study exploring the evolution of the Xiangxi Miao
Drum Dance (XMDD), an intangible cultural heritage (ICH) of the Miao ethnic group
in China, from its religious origins to modern-day entertainment. The study aims to
investigate the driving forces behind this transformation by comparing historical and
contemporary XMDD performances, including their objectives, content, venues, and
methodologies. Drawing on social anthropology literature, the research delves into the
cultural ecology and historical context shaping the development of XMDD. Employing
ethnographic methods and concepts from motivational psychology, the study analyses
XMDD's contemporary status as popular entertainment posts its recognition as an
intangible cultural heritage in 2006. Psychological factors influencing this
transformation are examined through extensive fieldwork and a thorough literature
review among XMDD performers and choreographers. The research culminates in the
proposal of a psychological model of performance transformation, linking
environmental changes, technological advancements, economic structures, and societal
shifts to the evolution of XMDD performances. It sheds light on the psychological
needs, particularly autonomy, affiliation, and intimacy, that led to the designation of
XMDD as an ICH. However, it argues that the current trajectory does not fully satisfy
the highest psychological needs of the community. To address the psychological needs
comprehensively, a balanced approach that integrates commercialization and heritage
conservation is suggested. This approach emphasizes a living perspective, co-creation
of cultural value, grassroots heritage discourse, effective risk management, and
management rooted in matriarchal principles. The research contributes to
understanding the psychological aspects of local culture in the development of
intangible cultural heritage and proposes strategies for sustainable tourism benefiting
local communities. This study is framed within the Si Ma Yun Jie Cultural Ecosystem
Theory and Bowen's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, providing insights into the intricate
interplay of cultural ecology and psychological factors in the transformation of XMDD,
particularly after its recognition as an ICH in 2006. |
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