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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
Technological advances provide support to education in presenting more relevant and effective learning. One of the
technological tools that is popularly implemented in physics learning as a learning medium is Digital Game-Based
Learning (DGBL) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These two technologies have various impacts on their use in the
learning process. However, the review of the impact of learning from various previous researchers on the technology
on physics learning is still limited. This literature review aims to identify the impact and challenges of applying DGBL
and AI in physics learning. The method used for this article review is based on four stages. The first stage is the
formulation of planning by determining the formulation of research questions. The second stage is the search for
articles from Scopus, ProQuest, ERIC, Google Scholar, and open-access databases. Articles are obtained based on
searches with keywords in the title and abstract and are in the range of 2020 to 2024. The third stage is to assess articles
based on the focus of studies that discuss AI, DGBL, and physics. The search results resulted in as many as 20 articles
that are worth reviewing. Based on the results of the literature review, the fourth stage is to write information about
the impact and challenges of using technologies in physics learning. DGBL and AI have proven to be effective in
supporting students' interest, motivation, and engagement in learning. AI supports features that can be personalized
according to students' learning abilities, and DGBL supports interactive learning presentations. Those various features
presented can enhance students' comprehension of concepts for better results in understanding abstract physics
material. Those technologies also have their own challenges. The over-reliability of this technology can cause
plagiarism in learning and affect students' focus in learning. In general, those technologies strongly support physics
learning, especially to encourage interest and motivation in students' learning. This media is a form of technology
recommendation for teachers and students to support physics learning.
Keywords: Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Physics Education
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