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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
The study aims to formulate the production of 4-cyano-4’-pentylbiphenyl (5CB)
microdroplets within a suitable range to be optically trapped, to optically trap a single
5CB microdroplet in water within a suitable size range, to optically micro-control the
microdroplet using a circularly polarized laser, and to quantitatively determine factors
affecting the optical manipulation of the microdroplet. 0.5 μL 5CB was mixed with the
deionized water and sonicated to produce bipolar and radial 5CB microdroplet
suspensions. The 5CB microdroplet was observed under optical microscopy and its size
distribution was measured using ImageJ, while its stability was measured using UVVis
spectroscopy. A linearly polarized laser beam of 976 nm wavelength was used to
optically trap a single 5CB microdroplet in water at a specific laser power density. A
circularly polarized laser beam was used to optically trap a single 5CB microdroplet to
study its orientation control, rotatability control, and simultaneous translation microcontrol.
A single 5CB microdroplet was trapped and introduced to the
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) solution to study its visual internal
configuration change and optical signal. The finding shows that the size distribution of
5CB microdroplet suspension decreased with time. However, it was stable and
sustained in 1-hour monitoring. The 5CB microdroplet could be linearly translated and
rotated, enabling the simultaneous translation-micro-control. The corner frequency (!!)
and angular speed (") showed an increasing trend with optical power density (#)
increment. Exposing CTAB solution to the trapped 5CB microdroplet changed its
internal configuration from bipolar to radial, optical signal and displacement variance
($"). In conclusion, the trapped 5CB microdroplet could be micro-controlled as a
microactuator while !!, ", and $" measurements were characteristics of microdropletbased
sensors. This study implies that the optical trapping of a single 5CB microdroplet
in water has potential for prospective actuating and sensing applications. |
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