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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
This research aims to evaluate the need for instructional media assistance during online learning in the topic of algebra. The research subjects involve 30 eleventh-grade students at Dirgantara Putra Bangsa Vocational High School. The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach based on the Miles and Huberman model. The instruments in this research include a questionnaire containing an analysis of the needs provided to students and interviews with mathematics teachers at the school. The research findings include: (1) low critical thinking abilities of students; (2) the learning process is still conventional with lecture methods, limiting students' opportunities to express their ideas, interact, discuss, and participate during the learning process; (3) common errors in matrix materials; (4) the majority of students choose worksheets as the instructional material; (5) the majority of students have personal smartphones but only use them for communication. The conclusion of this research is the necessity of an e-Worksheet with a PBL-modeled matrix in the form of a flipbook to stimulate critical thinking skills.
Keywords: E-Worksheet, Matrix, Problem Based Learning, Flipbook, Critical Thinking Skills |
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