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Type :article
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Riyanto, Bambang
Title :Designing unifying instructional, assessment and learning through Mathematical modeling
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2024
Corporate Name :Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun

Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun
Linking summative and formative assessments to improve the learning process remains an important issue, as there is very few research to address on this topic. The research aims to produce a valid mathematical modeling process student worksheet to integrate instruction, assessment, and learning. This research employed a development research approach, consisting of four stages of the modified ADDIE model: analysis, design, development, and implementation. The analysis step involved analyzing real-world situations, instruction, assessment, learning and the characteristics and principles of applied mathematical modeling problems. The analysis step focused on creating the design and product, while the development stage included an expert review. The implementation step utilized a formative evaluation approach consisting of self-evaluation, one-on-one interview, and field testing. However, the small-group evaluation and final evaluation stages of the ADDIE model were not yet conducted. This research developed valid student worksheet for mathematical modeling process, integrating assessment, instruction, and learning. Experts affirm that mathematical modeling instruction can unify these elements. While students can enhance their mathematical skills informally and find enjoyment in learning mathematics through mathematical modeling, they may still find the approach challenging due to its inherent complexity, uncertainty, and open-ended nature. This study highlights the importance of designing and implementing mathematical modeling learning and research. Further research should focus on developing assessment questions, student responses, feedback from teachers and peers, student actions towards feedback, self-assessment, followed by additional feedback with a formative assessment cycle to improve student competency. This iterative process aims to enhance student competencies, culminating in a summative assessment of their complete work. Further efforts should also extend the development of student worksheets for the mathematical modeling process to other contexts and larger participant groups.. Additionally, creating instructional videos and integrating technology to support assessment, instruction, and learning in mathematics and other disciplines can further contribute to delivering quality education. Keywords: Designing, unifying, assessment, instructional, learning, mathematical modeling


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