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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
Kindergarten teachers' narratives regarding the provision of care in early childhood education serve to enlighten and engender empathy towards their experiential realities. This study aims to articulate personal care encounters but may lack comparative analysis or exploration of cultural, institutional, or socioeconomic factors, limiting broader relevance. Hence, this study examined the firsthand caring experiences of kindergarten teachers in Tomas Oppus District, Southern Leyte. It aimed to articulate their personal care encounters and identify emerging themes. Utilizing a qualitative phenomenological research design, the study was conducted in five DepEd-managed elementary schools within the district: Tomas Oppus Central School, San Isidro Elementary School, San Antonio Elementary School, Cambite Elementary School, and Hinapo Elementary School. The research employed purposive sampling techniques with specific inclusion criteria, utilizing interpretative phenomenological analysis as the data analysis procedure. Data were collected through semi-structured guide questions, employing data triangulation by sequentially conducting interviews and discussions with each group. The findings highlighted the personal care experiences of kindergarten teachers, categorized into grounded dare, nurturing care, pedagogical care, and enduring care. The conclusion emphasized the need for teachers to embrace responsibility, adopt multifaceted roles, and devote themselves to tailored caring activities to enhance the well-being of learners. It was strongly believed that through this study, kindergarten teachers' experiences enrich their understanding of early childhood education, emphasizing commitment to nurturing relationships and student well-being. Recommendations include organizing seminars or workshops to disseminate findings and provide continuous in-service training for teachers, aiming to strengthen competencies in various dimensions of care, including pedagogical care.
Keywords: Kindergarten Teachers, Nurturing Care, Pedagogical Care, Personal Care, Riffling Effect |
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