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Abstract : Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun |
The comparative study was conducted to investigate the systematics of six genera of
Lamiaceae and two genera of Verbenaceae. Three aspects of the study, which were
morphological, anatomical and phytochemical, were carried out to determine
significant taxonomic characters. The data obtained were then used to construct
taxonomic keys for genera and species involved. A total of 22 species were collected
from several forest reserves in Malaysia. Samples were prepared for herbarium
vouchers, anatomical study, and phytochemical procedures. Morphological characters
were observed and recorded. Anatomical slides of leaf were prepared using standard
microtechnique method, while phytochemical screening was conducted using
Qualitative Phytochemical Screening and Thin Layer Chromatograph (TLC). All
characters obtained were numerically analyzed using the Multivariate Statistical
Package (MVSP) and Phylogeny Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP). The findings
showed that some characters have high taxonomic significant value. Leaves margin and
venation are diagnostic characters in morphological findings. Petiole and midrib
outline, petiole and midrib vascular bundle, type of stomata, type of trichomes and the
presence of vascular subsidiaries are the diagnostic characters in anatomical findings.
In phytochemical study, terpenoids, flavonoids, and alkaloids are present in almost all
species studied, while saponins are only detected in nine species, namely Congea
forbesii, Congea griffithiana, Sphenodesme racemosa, Clerodendrum breviflorum,
Clerodendrum disparifolium, Lantana camara, Stachytarpheta indica, Stachytarpheta
jamaicensis and Stachytarpheta cayennensis. Numerical analysis showed that two main
clades were formed at 0.709 and 0.821 of GGSc value to indicate the delineation of the
two families. Morphological and anatomical findings able to contribute solution to
taxonomic problem, while phytochemical data provide vital preliminary information of
the studied species. Finally, it is concluded that all aspects of studies numerically
support the classification of Li et al., therefore implicates that the findings can serve as
important taxonomic references to the current classification of the families. |
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