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Type :article
Subject :PE English
ISSN :2289-8697
Main Author :Abdul Rahim Salmiza, Abdullah Suhaily, Yahaya Muhammad Zaki,
Title :In-Service Trainings (INSETs) for English lecturers : an exploratory study in Malaysian polytechnics
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2016

Abstract :
In the context of local polytechnics, developing skillful English lecturers is a critical effort. Driven by the demand to produce highly desired graduates for industries, they require supports to stay developed and realise the demand of those industries. Yet, the offered in-service trainings (INSET) of the current system very lightly focus on their real needs. Hence, this study aims to identify the types of INSET that are exactly required by polytechnic English lecturers. A survey was delegated to a random sampling throughout Malaysia to get the related information. An SPSS procedure was run to generate the results. The findings of this exploratory survey are expected to benefit related stakeholders to prepare and offer more relevant courses to English lecturers in the future.


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