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The stream has a variety of functions and each of it can be known through morphometric analysis. Morphometric analysis comprised three aspects, namely linear, aerial and relief. The studies carried out at Sungai Jemerli in subbasin of Sungai Sedim Kulim, Kedah is a study to fill the knowledge gap in the field of stream hydro-geomorphology in Malaysia. ArcGIS 10.2.2 was used as assistant tool in this study and morphometry analysis give emphasis to the parameters such as the stream order, stream length, mean stream length (Lsm), stream length ratio (RL), bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (Dd), drainage frequency (Fs), texture ratio (T), form factor (Rf), circularity ratio (RC), maximum basin length (Lg), constant of channel maintenance (C), relief ratio (Rh), and ruggedness number (RN). Computable measurement of the earth’s surface geometry was carried out which aims to explain the drainage characteristic of the Sungai Jemerli, in addition to analysis the morphometry of Sungai Jemerli by using ArcGIS and give information on sub-basin morphometry parameter data. The results showed that the sub-basin of Sedim River is the river basin with low sedimentation rate, simple drainage density, rugged terrain, simple gradient of 3° and mark the formation of the stream at the early stage, as well as the fine texture of the stream. This finding could help in further study on the behaviour of hydrology at the Sungai Jemerli and its significance to the prospects of hydro-tourism in the area of Sungai Sedim, Kedah. |
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