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Reasoning skills are one of the primary components of the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) that students must become proficient at; as stipulated in the Malaysian Education Blueprint (MEB) 2013–2025. However, there is empirical evidence that suggests that the weakness in mathematical reasoning skills among the students at the primary level has an impact on the success or difficulty of learning mathematics at a higher level. The need for students to master mathematical reasoning is among the main causes of the decline of students’ performance in learning Mathematics of analytical character (such as Additional Mathematics). The weakness mastery of mathematical reasoning skills among students at primary level is a period of significant impact on the success or difficulties in learning mathematics at a higher level. A review of the various delineating knowledge processing in the context of reasoning skills and learning difficulties in Mathematics and Additional Mathematics shows that reasoning skills begin the knowledge; it then moves into systematic thinking when one needs to bridge the prerequisites and new found knowledge while solving the complex or none-routine mathematics problem. It was recommended, based on the finding of this study, that mathematical reasoning is seen to be important to help students understand and master any mathematical concepts. |
References |
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