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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to produce allergen extracts, determine the frequency and characterize the major and cross-reactive allergens of five species of local bivalves. Allergen extracts were produced from raw and cooked bivalves. The raw bivalve extracts were used in skin prick tests (SPT) on 131 atopic patients. Protein profiles, major and cross-reactive allergens were then identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), immunoblotting and immunoblotting inhibition tests, respectively, using sera from bivalve-allergic patients. The major allergens were then identified by mass spectrometry analysis. Research findings indicated that SDS-PAGE of raw extracts revealed 12 to 23 protein bands between 13 to 250 kDa, while the cooked extracts have fewer protein bands. 34 (26%) of the subjects had a positive SPT to at least one bivalve species. The frequency of SPT reactivity to Anadara granosa was the highest at 18%, while Perna viridis was the lowest at 5%. Immunoblotting demonstrated that the raw extracts had more allergenic proteins than the cooked extracts. The fried and roasted bivalves had lower degree of allergenicity than the boiled bivalves. Two major allergens were identified in A. granosa (36 and 40 kDa), Paphia textile (37 and 42 kDa) and P. viridis (18 and 36 kDa), while Crassostrea belcheri and Meretrix meretrix have only one major allergen at 37 and 36 kDa, respectively. Mass spectrometry analysis identified the major allergens of 36 and 37, 40, 42 and 18 kDa as tropomyosin, arginine kinase, actin and troponin C, respectively. Inhibition tests identified variable cross-rectivity patterns among bivalve allergens, from none to almost total. As conclusions, bivalves have numerous major and cross-reactive allergens with either thermal-stable or thermal-labile characteristics, contributing to variable allergenicity of bivalves. Thus, the allergenicity of bivalves can be possibly reduced by thermal treatments. Implication of this study is that these allergens can be applied for the improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of local bivalve allergy. |
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