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Type :article
Subject :GV Recreation Leisure
ISSN :2232-1918
Main Author :Mahmod Abdul Kadir, Low Jeffrey Fook Lee,
Title :Effects of augmented feedback on landing force from jumps
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
Improper landing techniques from jumps are usually associated with knee injuries. Such incidence could be alleviated through augmented instructions and feedback on performing the landing movement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of augmented feedback on landing force from jumps. Twentyeight participants, divided into three groups (visual, n=10, verbal, n=10, control, n=8) performed jumps from a box and their ground reaction force (GRF) measured using force platform analyzer before and after treatment. The visual group received visual feedback from video playback of their landing action, the verbal group received verbal feedback based on the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) criteria, and no feedback was provided for the control group. Both visual and verbal groups underwent interventions for two weeks, consisted of three sessions per week. Factorial mixed-design ANOVA with repeated measures on the tests results showed no significant interaction between groups and test, F (2.00, 25.80) = 841, p>. 05. In conclusion, feedback could be effective in reducing GRF, but may require extended duration of practice with feedback to assess its effectiveness in modifying behaviors.

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