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Type :article
Subject :GV Recreation Leisure
ISSN :2232-1918
Main Author :Nadzalan Ali Md, Rittisorakrai Chaowalak, Mohamad Nur Ikhwan, Mohamad Chan Ebby Waqqash,
Title :Fascicle behaviour analysis of step and jump forward lunge among badminton players
Hits :1884
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2017
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This study was conducted to determine and compare the fascicle behaviour during step forward lunge (SFL) and jump forward lunge (JFL) in badminton. Fifteen university badminton players (mean age = 22.07 ± 1.39 years old) were recruited and were assigned to perform SFL and JFL while holding a badminton racquet using their dominant hand. Fascicle length, pennation angle, lengthening and shortening velocity of their vastus lateralis muscle were analysed using ultrasonography method. In both dominant and non-dominant lower limb, FLmax, FLmin, PAmax and PAmin were all greater during JFL compared to SFL, p < 0.001. During both SFL and JFL, all the fascicle behaviour variables were greater in the dominant limb compared to non-dominant limb. To conclude, as the fascicle behaviour response would indicate more muscle adaptation, the stimuli were found to be greater during JFL compared to SFL.

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