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Type :article
Subject :QH301 Biology
ISSN :2232-0393
Main Author :Sudargo Fransisca, - Hernawati,
Title :Analyses of using determination key on vertebrate zoology course to improve classification ability and concept atainment of biology education students
Hits :506
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2017
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The aim of this study was to analyze the use of determination key on vertebrate zoology to improve classification ability and concept attainment of biology education students. Mixed method was used on this study that consist of both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Descriptive methods are used for qualitative analyses and the correlation methods for the quantitative analyses. Mixed method strategy by using triangulation concurrent because both qualitative and quantitative data were collected in the same time, and then compared to identify the convergence the differences or the combination of the data. The data analyses showed that by using the vertebrate zoology’s determination key, could increase the students’ classification ability and concept attainment of the students in Biology education department. The students’ classification ability on reasoning the facts and the base of zoology vertebrate matter were increase. The highest score is for the ability of concept attainment (74.2%). There were also the highest score on cognitive indicator of concept comprehension. The highest score were showed on concept applying (C3) that was 35.4 point. The high correlation between ‘classification ability’ and ‘concept attainment’ showed that there was positive impact on the use of the use of determination key toward concept attainment.

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