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Type :article
Subject :QE Geology
ISSN :2222-6990
Main Author :Hashim Mohmadisa, Nik Daud Nik Mohd Farhan, Mat Said Zahid, Nayan Nasir, Othman Zainudin, Saleh Yazid, Aiyub Kadaruddin, Mahat Hanifah,
Title :An analysis of the collapse potential of slope using the ROM scale: a case study of Sultan Azlan Shah Campus, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
Place of Production :HRMARS
Year of Publication :2017

Full Text :
Slope failure is a geological process that is closely related to the agents of erosion, such as water, wind, temperature and vegetation cover in the vicinity of the slope. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyse the current status of the slope stability within the new Sultan Idris Education University campus using the ROM scale. A total of 20 slopes or soil sampling points were included in this study. The results obtained from the ROM scale shows that about 16 of the 20 slopes with critical status have experienced landslides. This is due to the land fragility, lack of binder (clay) between the rocks, sand and silt. In fact, the proportion of sand in the soil exceeded 90%. Thus, additional protective measures should be taken to increase the level of soil moisture and improve the bond between soil compositions and, ultimately, the slope stability in Sultan Azlan Shah Campus can be improved. This is due the soil moisture of the critical slopes is only at 25% to 30%. And with the implementation of slope protection measures by engineering and bioengineering techniques, landslide occurrence can be avoided and reduced in the future.

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