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The aim of this study is to develop and provide the evidence of psychometric evaluation of an instrument to measure the implementation of an alternative assessment in the context of Islamic education teachings at primary school level. In order to conceptualize alternative assessment implementation, a 32-item questionnaire was designed and administered to a group of 105 primary school teachers teaching Islamic education subject. The respondents were selected through purposive sampling. Content validity is conducted by two experts in the field from an education university. Then, the construct validity and reliability are assessed using the Rasch Measurement Model by identifying the scale rating, uni-dimensionality, item polarity, item fit, item difficulty index, item reliability, person reliability and separation index. The findings revealed that the structure calibration value with the difference of threshold is between 1.4 and 5.0. The values of PMC range from 0.46 to 0.72. All items are in the range of 0.6 to 1.4. Item C17 is removed, and it is the most difficult item. Item reliability is 0.88, person reliability is 0.97 and the separation index is 8.82 for items and 3.68 for person. The overall item quality is good. Obviously, this study does look into the implementation of AA from the sources available, the teaching strategies used by teachers and also the challenges they face in the Malaysian educational context. This validated instrument could be used for real study and also as a self-assessment tools for teachers. Teachers could then determine their strength and weaknesses. |
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